Control thy passions, lest they take vengeance on thee.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Glutton

There are times I wonder what would have happened had I simply returned to my bakery after reading the posting concerning the Poet's resignation.
Would the dynamics of our relationship be different?
Would I have spoken to him with a sweeter more understanding tone, when he inquired about day old bread?
Perhaps I would resisted the leap to judgement concerning his character?
I would like to think so, yet I doubt it.
There are times I think that I have seen to much, experienced things that were perhaps intended for another.
Such speculations are wasted upon me, at this point it is water under the bridge.
In my own defense, I am not the only one stands in judgement. Since that fateful day he never seems to miss the opportunity to insult me. Granted there are times I have made it easy on him, still you would think someone of the Entertainers Caste would be..more entertaining instead of infuriating. I would like to say that burned bridges have since been restored, yet that would be a lie. He does have one redeeming quality, that is his daughter. I have only met her once but I do find her rather charming, no doubt a trait inherited from her mother.

On a worthy chattering side note, I was gifted, strike that word. A gift implies that it something wanted and desired and nothing could be further from the truth when I opened the door to my shop, last hand, only to find the iron cage resting upon the stoop. I didn't need to lift the velvet cover to expose the feathered occupant inside for I had heard his annoying squawking the previous day when I waited upon his owner, the rug merchant. The card attached to the cage, simply said,
"The trip we spoke of yesterday, prevents me from taking Alfred.. He will make wonderful company, consider him payment for the kindness you showed me and my son."
Company? Seriously?

I don't know what he was thinking, giving me such an unsanitary creature. The cage is heavy and awkward something I quickly found out as I carried it towards the Markets. Once I turned the corner I was reminded of the scheduled festivities, marked to celebrate, 'The Planting Feast'.
Scattered along the sidewalks were a wide varieties of both vendors and entertainers. The sight was initially welcomed, as I thought surely someone that based their daily income on drawing a crowd would be interested in purchasing the colorful creature.
The only thing I managed to sell was my dignity, something that seems to be in short supply lately for as soon as I removed the velvet cover it started squawking obscenities to anyone within earshot. Considering I was in possession of the foul mouthed creation, naturally that lead most to just to the conclusion that I had schooled him. If I wasn't afraid of getting my fingers bitten off I would have most certainty strangled him. To put it mildly the scene he created was appalling. Covering the cage seemed to help a little, the squawked obscenities changing to cries of attention, which in my opinion was a little better, at least they were quieter. Thankfully the attention didn't last, the crowd pulled instead towards the roped off plot of land near the square.
Once I managed to make my way thru the crowd I was more than a little surprised to see the Entertainer performing. The sight was fascinating. I remember standing there with a look of disbelief as the handle of a long sword dangled from between his parted lips, one transformed into two, the sharp blade skillfully threaded downwards just like the first. It was a sight I have never before seen. I wanted to turn away only because I am no fan of blood. I didn't, couldn't. After the fourth sword was swallowed down by the gluttonous entertainer, I felt the pull to the back of my calves as it lifted to the tips of my toes straining in order to see, just thinking about it causes my heart to anxiously race. I was mesmerized. The applause started out hesitant, yet quickly grew as the final sword was carefully removed. I think he was surprised, and honestly so was I when I stepped forward coaxing the crowd of spectators to part with their hard earned coin. It only seemed right for he had made his Caste proud and that I believes deserves a just reward. It was a good evening, despite the fact that he ended the evening calling me cold. It wasn't offended by the term, actually I am glad to have him think that, I simply didn't like the fact that he said it in such a way as to try to pull a reaction out of me.
I rose to the challenge, ending the evening with my own brand of entertainment.

I have since hired him on occasion to oversee the weekly market deliveries.
He claims that I am the only one that operates with an agenda, I don't believe him. I simply refuse to believe that anyone is truly comfortable with their station in life. There are times he makes me uncomfortable, yet he is punctual and carries out the work well, plus he is eager for the coin, which makes him desperate. That in itself is a valuable yet dangerous commodity. As of yet there is nothing to lead me to believe he is a threat, that does not mean I take his presence lightly, for he has proven himself to be a masterful glutton, on many different levels.

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